Can You Get GEICO Car Insurance With No License?

There are a couple of unique circumstances where you’ll need car insurance without a driver’s license. Luckily, GEICO can help you out!
Written by Drew Waterstreet
Reviewed by Kathleen Flear
Getting a car insurance policy from GEICO without a license will most likely require you to speak with a local agent about your options, which may include a comprehensive-only policy or co-owning your vehicle.
If you’re simply shopping online for a GEICO quote, you’ll run into a roadblock when they ask you for a valid driver’s license. But don’t give up hope! We’re here to share some alternate methods for obtaining
car insurance
coverage without a license.
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Can you get GEICO car insurance with no license?

Yes, but there is some extra work involved. According to GEICO, you’ll need to present the following items to get an online car insurance quote:
  • Valid driver's license: links to your driving history
  • Vehicle identification number (VIN): indicates the make and model of your vehicle
  • Physical address where your car is stored: provides important location-based insights (crime rate, traffic density, etc.)
With this information, GEICO is able to construct an accurate insurance rate by evaluating the value of your vehicle and considering the likelihood of you filing an insurance claim. 
So without the ability to input a valid driver’s license number into their online form, they will not allow you to proceed. Instead, you will have to speak with a licensed GEICO insurance agent to elaborate on the context of your situation. Let’s discuss how that discussion might go.

How to get a car insurance policy if you don’t have a driver’s license

First, you’ll want to
find a GEICO insurance agent
using their handy-dandy agent-finder tool. Then, you’ll need to explain the circumstances for needing car insurance without a driver’s license—here are your possible scenarios:
  • Comprehensive-only policy
    : This is sometimes referred to as parked car insurance or storage insurance. Comprehensive coverage protects your vehicle from non-driving damage, such as theft, vandalism, fire, flooding, falling objects, inclement weather, and more. Since you won’t be driving the vehicle without a license, you’ll be able to forgo the typically state-mandated liability coverage and just protect your car with a comprehensive-only policy with GEICO.
  • Co-owning the vehicle
    : Let’s say you own a car but have a friend or family member drive you around in it—since you don’t have a driver’s license. In this situation, it may make sense for the trusted person to become a co-owner of the vehicle. Having a licensed driver as the “primary driver” will allow you to purchase an auto insurance policy through GEICO, even without a valid license of your own. To do this, you’ll need to take a trip to the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) and pay the associated application fees for adding an owner to the vehicle’s title and registration. Keep in mind, your car insurance rates may be more expensive if you select a high-risk driver to co-own the vehicle with you!
And just so we’re clear, neither of these solutions will allow you to drive the car—you still don’t have a driver’s license. It just means you’ll be able to purchase a GEICO insurance policy.

How to get a car insurance policy if you have a suspended license

You may face a license suspension if you’re convicted of a serious traffic violation, such as a
, or have racked up too many
points against your driving record
After serving your designated punishment, you most likely will have to hold an
SR-22 insurance policy
to reinstate your license and regain your driving privileges. Simply put, an SR-22 serves as your proof of insurance, indicating your policy meets your
state’s required minimum coverage limits
. These requirements aim to keep high-risk, uninsured drivers off the road.
MORE: The best car insurance for drivers with a bad record
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In this context, the “non-driver” would be the co-owner of the vehicle that does not have a driver’s license (sometimes referred to as an excluded driver). The non-driver will not be able to drive, but they will be able to purchase car insurance if they have someone with a valid driver’s license listed on their policy as the primary driver.
It depends! If you opt for a comprehensive-only policy, the price will mainly be dictated by the type of vehicle and the location where it’s parked or stored. If you have a co-owner as the primary driver on your policy, it will also depend on their driving record and what insurance products you decide to purchase.
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