Chrysler Town & Country Catalytic Converter Location

The Chrysler Town & Country’s catalytic converter is between the tailpipe and intake manifolds—the exact location depends on the model year and engine size.
Written by Abbey Orzech
Exactly where the catalytic converter of a Chrysler Town & Country is located depends on the van’s model year and the size of its engine. In general, you’ll find the catalytic converter along the van’s exhaust system and between the tailpipe and intake manifolds. 
Catalytic converters are one of the most commonly stolen car parts across the nation, and thefts of these parts have increased at an alarming rate in the past few years. Knowing where your vehicle’s catalytic converter is located is a key first step in protecting it. 
We’ll cover what your catalytic converter does, why it’s important, how you can protect it, and how much a replacement costs.
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Where is the catalytic converter on a Chrysler Town & Country? 

The exact location of the catalytic converter on a Chrysler Town & Country depends on the vehicle’s year and engine size. In general, you will find it located somewhere between the intake exhaust manifolds and the exhaust pipe
Though catalytic converters can come in a variety of shapes and sizes, they usually look similar to the exhaust pipe, so keep your eye out for something like that. You may find it bolted or welded onto the vehicle—but check your Town & Country owner’s manual if you’re having trouble finding it! 

What are the benefits of a catalytic converter on a Chrysler Town & Country?

So, why are catalytic converters so sought after by the thieves of the world? What makes them so special? 
First, a catalytic converter is an essential component in any vehicle’s exhaust system. They have been a mandatory part of automobiles since 1975, enforced to reduce the harmful exhaust gases that get kicked out by a running engine. Catalytic converters, well, convert very harmful emissions like carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons into emissions that are less harmful like carbon dioxide, heat and water. 
Second, the elements present in a catalytic converter that do the emissions-converting work are high-value elements. Generally, cat-cons are made with platinum, palladium and rhodium—each worth hundreds or thousands of dollars per ounce. That’s sure to raise the sale price. In fact, catalytic converters for a Chrysler Town & Country can reach between $2,700 and $3,000

How to protect the catalytic converter on your Chrysler Town & Country 

Catalytic converter theft has been on the (incredibly fast) rise in the last few years, and while the Chrysler Town & Country isn’t one of the most stolen-from vehicles out there, it’s still wise to consider how you can protect this expensive car part. Since the catalytic converter often sits exposed on the underside of your vehicle, it’s a popular target for thieves. 
Here are a few ways you can add a layer or two of protection around your Town & Country’s catalytic converter:
  • Install an anti-theft device. Catalytic converter security straps like the
    or other security devices like alarms and cages can go a long way in deterring would-be thieves. 
  • Park in a garage or a well-lit area. If possible, store your Town & Country in a garage or other secure building that passersby won’t have access to. If that doesn’t work, try to always park in a well-lit area, or consider installing security motion-activated lights. Lights won’t necessarily do anything to stop a determined enough individual, but they do make one feel more exposed.
  • Put your VIN number on the catalytic converter. This won’t do much to stop a theft in action but it will make it harder for the thief to sell it afterward. 
  • Upgrade your insurance policy to include
    comprehensive coverage
    . Comprehensive insurance coverage helps cover damages, repairs, and replacements from non-vehicle encounters, like theft. 

What to do if your catalytic converter is stolen

Hopefully, you never find yourself in a situation where your catalytic converter is stolen, but considering the more than 52,000 cat-con thefts reported to the National Insurance Crime Bureau in 2021 alone, it could happen. If it happens to you, try not to panic and follow these steps:
  • Document the theft through pictures, videos and descriptions of your exhaust system
  • File a police report immediately
  • If you have comprehensive coverage, prepare and submit an insurance claim 
  • Check online or in auto supply stores for aftermarket catalytic converters that may be cheaper to buy and install
  • Look into
    anti-theft devices
    that can help deter future theft 

When to replace the catalytic converter on a Chrysler Town & Country

In a perfect world, your Chrysler Town & Country’s catalytic converter would last the life of your vehicle so long as you kept your engine running smoothly. But, much the same as all other car parts, age and use wear down the part’s effectiveness. In general, you can expect about 10 years out of a catalytic converter, so keep your senses out for these signs of a failing catalytic converter around the decade mark:
  • Reduced acceleration and sluggish performance 
  • Dark or foul-smelling exhaust smoke (the smell of rotten eggs is a warning sign)
  • Underside of vehicle overheating 
  • Failed smog check
  • Illuminated check engine light
  • Worsening fuel economy
Even if it hasn’t been 10 years, noticing any of these symptoms should be cause for concern. Depending on your vehicle’s model year, you may have an onboard diagnostics (OBD) tool built into your Town & Country that can alert you to issues with the exhaust system. If you don’t have an OBD tool built in, consider getting an OBD scanner or bringing your vehicle to a certified mechanic for a diagnosis. 
If it’s determined that your catalytic converter is to blame for your car troubles and you need a full replacement, you could be shelling out big. The average cost of a catalytic converter replacement for a Chrysler Town & Country is between $2,900 and $3,300.
While that can be quite a staggering number, the catalytic converter in your Town & Country may be covered under Chrysler’s emissions warranty for the first eight years or 80,000 miles you have the van, whichever comes first. 

How to replace a catalytic converter

Unless you spend a lot of time in a garage working on vehicles, it’s not generally advisable to DIY your catalytic converter replacement. It requires a certain amount of expertise and tools that can include pipe cutters, a torch, and pipe expanders among other things. 
If you do feel confident in your mechanical DIY abilities, you’ll want to make sure you buy a quality part for the replacement. Look up the part number for your Town & Country and opt for OEM or similarly graded parts to ensure the right fit and solid quality.
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